Today, on International Women's Day we want to the opportunity to honour and celebrate the contributions of women in every sphere of life, from racing to the strong women running businesses and farms.
So let us share some incredible stories and experiences of women in the Polaris world to empower, inspire and enthuse.

Meet our very own Polaris SxS Race Driver: Eden Evans!
This year will be Eden's third year on the circuit, kicking off the season with this weekend's Gold City 450 Race at Charters Towers at the Polaris Australian Off-Road Championships.
Though before Eden fires up the engine, she shared a bit more about her inspirations and achievements in the below Q&A:
What have to date been your greatest achievements for you personally?
Greatest achievements, outside of Motorsport achievements I actually ran a marathon in October last year! I will forever brag about it, and I’m not sorry about that. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but stoked I can tick that one off the list!
Aside from that, I’m super proud of the racing career that I have blooming. To win multiple races in a very male-dominated sport and to be one of only two female drivers in the AORC is beyond cool.

Who are some of the women that you look up to as role models, and how have they inspired or influenced you?
The main woman I look up to is my mum, she has taught me everything I know, whether that be racing related or life related. She’s pushed boundaries and is never afraid to speak her mind or stand up for what she believes in.
She continues to help me grow, will support anything I put my mind too and is always there to lean on no matter what. I can only hope I grow into at least half the woman she is.
What advice would you give to other women or young girls who are starting out in SxS racing?
My advice is if you’re thinking about it, give it a go. You will always have more to gain than more to lose. Push your boundaries you’d be surprised how far you can go.
Jenny shares the story of everyday life running her farm together with her husband Lindsay. Have a look at her video interview here:
Meet Mary, who was telling us all about her life on the "dirty side of the rabbit fence".